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When I teach about The Body’s Wisdom, one of the most common questions my clients ask is, “how do I tell the difference?” While the circumstances vary, the distinction they are all pointing to is essentially the same: how do I tell the difference between Read More »
What do you care about SO much that you’d be willing to get the hell out of your own way in order to do it? In the last few months, as I grappled with this question in my own life, I started to notice a Read More »
Last week I was frozen. Sitting in my office, looking over the various appointments I had scheduled for the week, I was aware of the magnitude of my dilemma. While a few of them lit me up, there were many others that felt like a drag. Read More »
Sometimes I forget to remember. When I think back over the past year, a few things still stand out in my mind. Mornings of great joy. Afternoons of celebration. Evenings when I found myself alone and weeping in a puddle of tears. A year in review Read More »
The human body needs to re-set. Despite our efforts to be “on all the time”, our natural internal cycles take us up… and down. This is true on a day-to-day basis. We wake, we peak, we sleep. It is also true on a larger scale. For Read More »
What happens when you simply allow life force to flow through you? I’ve come to notice that most of us do a lot of extra work. We aim to channel that force. Struggle to resist it. Try hard to make sure we do it right, Read More »
We have to begin somewhere. What if it begins with a simple spark? In the world of somatics we say: an impulse to move.  A tiny electric sizzle that jumps from one synapse to the next. What if it doesn’t start in the left brain? Read More »

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